Friday, September 7, 2007

English 2

Now I’m studying in English for lawyer 2. I ever study with A. Jasper when I study in English for lawyer 1. My teacher is very kind, I think.
I can improve my English language while I study in Jasper class because I afraid I will have a less score of participate in the class so, I find the way for speak English well. I try to find the foreigner friends for contact and have a conversation with them. My foreigner friends are good friends, they never annoyed me. That thing makes me feel good and it make me like to study English language. I find a new vocabulary and idiom in the lyric of western song and I find some word that I never see before while I chat with my foreigner friends. When I don’t understand the question that they ask me, I always ask them suddenly. Some friend wants me to teach Thai language, I teach them an easy sentence such as sa wad dee or sa bai dee mai. We like to exchange our language. I tell my friend about I’ve plan to study Germany language. My friend name’s Daniel, he’s Finnish but now he study in England. He is a good friend; he told me if he and I have enough he will teach Finnish language to me.
I have many friends from England, One friend name’s Christ he is about sixty years old, I call him daddy. When he online on MSN messenger I like to say hello to him and he say hello to me “hi sweetie” I respect him like my father, when I don’t understand something in English language I always ask him.
I use my experience to chat in English language in my class by talk with my friends in English language. I’m not shy while I speak English but I don’t have a confident to speak when I don’t know some word that I want to talk.

Now, I try to learn about grammar by read grammar book. I ever write in English well, but I don’t use it for a long time because I study in a public school. My secondary school doesn’t emphasize in English language and I always change a school because my father must go to work at another province that makes me not continue in my study. I like to study about language but my father and my mother force me to study in Science and math. My grade when I graduate in secondary school is about 3.4 I feel satisfied because I think it is the best that I can do.
I want to tell my teacher “thank you” although I will not study with A. Jasper but I still respect him. I’m glad to study with him. When I study in English 1 I ask him to teach me in English 2 and now I want him to teach me in English 3. I feel sad but I don’t want to study with him again in English 2. lol

** some picture i take it while my teacher was not know, but it's a cute picture**

I really like the picture number 001 because while i see this picture i always smile.

Monday, September 3, 2007

my family

Last week, I went to my home with my father and my mother. I always slept at my mother’s bedroom when I backed to my home. At night on Saturday, after I finished from type my blog I took a bath and to dress next, I went to bed. My father and my mother went to bed before me because I finished from type my blog at 12:00 a.m.
When I’m went to bed, my father opened his eye and to toss and turn. Then, he fell from the bed. My mother and I laughed a lot. My father slept on the bed again. The second floor of my house to carpet that made my bedroom was hot and my room did not have air condition that why I liked to slept at my mother’s bedroom. About one hour my father slept at the floor. All of us slept with comfortable. It neared in the morning while my father and I slept well; I heard a loud voice of my mother. She screamed because she fell from the bed like my father, then we laughed again. The elbow of my mother poked at my father’s shoulder.
I asked my mother how can you fell from bed. My mother said I thought I sleep at the middle of the bed so, I toss and turn then I fell from the bed. My father and I still laughed. I said this bed was not small but Daddy and mom could fall from the bed. All of us smile and sleep again.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

visit my grand mother

Today, I go to my grand mother’s house at Prachinburi province for visit my grand mother, grand father, my aunt and my cousin.
Prachinburi is a town in the eastern part of Thailand. My grand mother’s house is not far from Bangkok. I think it’s far from Bangkok about 80 kilometers. We get up about 7:00 a.m. I read a book before I go to my grand mother's house. After I finish from read a book, I call to my aunt and tell her about I and my parent will go to visit them. I take a shower and to dress next I and my mother prepare some food for cook at my grand mother’s house. We have breakfast at the restaurant that located in the oil station; we always have breakfast at that restaurant before we go to my grand mother’s house. My father and I eat a blow of Chinese clear soup with boiled entrails and vegetables and some rice. After we finish from breakfast, my mother buy a banana fritters and taro root fritters.
Before we arrive to my grand mother’s house, while my father drive a car my mother see a fruit stall my father stop a car my mother buy some fruit. When we arrive to my grand mother’s house, we say hello to my grand mother, my aunt and my cousin. My grand father does not stay at home because he has busy at a row house. My grand mother is the owner of a row house.
In the afternoon my mother and I cook Thai food, I cook a sauce of shrimp paste and chili, eaten with vegetables and fish. My mother cooks a mixture of meat and vegetables in a pan with a little oil and my grand mother cook a smoked catfish. We have lunch together. We rest for a while after that my father and my mother go to a row house for meet my grand father and a younger sister of my father. In the evening my grand father back home, he bathed in a canal and to dress. Next he watches television with me. After my father and my mother back from the market my mother give me cook some food. I help my mother to slice a piece of pork and some vegetable. Next, I cook Thai food that food is a mixture of bean curd and celery in a pan with a little oil and sauce.
I did not cook for a long time because my room did not have a kitchen. When I back home, I did not cook because my mother always buys some foods from restaurant or from market. I did not like to eat a food from restaurant because I always eat it at ABAC. I like to cook and eat a food that I cook with myself. Mostly, my friend can not cook because they did not practice to cook. If we can cook, we will not starve when we stay alone, I think. We can escape from hungry by use our ability. Have many people say, mostly teenager can not do house work and cook because they are study only. My family teach me cook and do house work because they say father and mother can not stay with me all the time. Who will help me if I can’t succor myself?
Every body that eats my food admires me. They say it has a good delicious. I feel happy to visit my grand mother, grand father, my aunt and my cousin. I will back to my grand mother’s house again after final exam, I think.