Sunday, November 12, 2006

perhaps love

Perhaps love

Sometime we don't understand love. we always overlook love . What is love ?......
Love is relation between person not only a lover . love include good wish and concern.Whatever,love is a beautiful thing.Everybody have love but we don't understand and don't attention it.
I used to think, I won't love whom except my family and my friend.Last three years,when I study English language at English language school,I meet one guy. I think he old than me about four years.Now we still communicate with each other.He is a gentle man. He is a good adviser. He always help me when I have problem.I respect him like brother.I don't know, why I feel that.May be I'm only child,I might want someone to take care and understand me like brother.He make me feel that. He always concern about me.I feel warm when I talk with him.Sometime, I don't understand my feeling may be I love him.I love him like brother .

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