Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas day

Merry Christmas

December 25 is Christmas day. My university has activities in December 24 ,2006 .There are many kind of activities such as games and concert etc.My friends and I share every activity. We are fun and happy.Before Christmas day, I think I will celebrate Christmas day alone but I think wrong.
In the afternoon, my friend name is Poon come to my dormitory. Before we go to university, we have lunch at Vietnam restaurant.We enjoy eating in this meal.After that,we back to my dormitory and prepare to joy an activity. The first time, We meet our friend his name is champ. Champ is playing game. We buy any coupon in order to play game.Mostly,I always lose in games but have one game that I win.I receive a prize,that prize is a small pillow.In the late at night, we joys a concert with other friends. We dance with a big group. That night we are fun and happy so much.

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