Thursday, January 18, 2007

The adventures of pan and james

[Pan] A Chimpanzee and [James] bulldog on Errands

About 09.30 p.m. of every Saturday and Sunday, my mother and I always watch a Reality show about a little chimpanzee and a bulldog on modern nine TV. A little chimpanzee name’s Pan and a bulldog name’s James. This Reality is about errands of Pan and James in order to do some activity such as buy some butter, to keep a mushroom and to buy a pair of shoe.

This Reality show is from Japan. I like this reality show very much because Pan and James are very lovely. Pan is naughty like a child but it very clever. Mr. Miyasawa always teaches Pan about human behavior and gives pan to execute an order. Pan always imitates human behavior. Pan has a close friend it name's James.

James is bulldog. Pan always led James, but sometime James runs faster than Pan. Then Pan often to fall and roll over. This Reality is show about relative about Mr. Miyasawa, Pan, and James. I like Pan when it does something mistake. It always confuse when something mistake but it learn to solve problem by itself.

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