Monday, February 19, 2007


Our top secret before I study with Jasper's class.

My friends who are study in English І before us had ever told, there are two teachers in English І that press marks and give much homework. Those teachers are Jasper and Rajeev.
The first day of semester, Kireeda and I are excited to study in English class. Suddenly, has a man get into our classroom. That man name is Rajeev. If my remember is not wrong, Kireeda and I study with Rajeev class about two weeks. While I study in Rajeev’s class, I think it is not difficult to study with Rajeev, but Kireeda does not agree with me. She told me, she does not understand that Rajeev taught. She wants to change section to another section. She induces me to change section with her. I never think to change section before. I know, when we want to change section we must pay a fee to the university. Then, I suggest her, why you do not fight with your problem. Many friend does not understand like you and me too, but nobody in class solve the problem by avoid it. Kireeda think and change her opinion.

One day, the heaven favor in her desire. In Rajeev’s class is full of students. Rajeev decided to share some of student to a new section. He asks the student in class, who wants to go to study in a new section please hand up. I know, the first time Kireeda feel hesitate. She asks me, if I would change to a new section, you would come with me. I feel hesitate too because nobody hand up. At a moment, have two students hand up. Kireeda told me she would change, I thought Kireeda is my intimate friend if she wants to go, I would go with her. We decided to hands up. We decide to change by did not think, who is a new teacher of us?

After that, Rajeev told us ‘the new teacher who would teach us is Jasper’. Kireeda and I were shock because the two teachers in English І that press marks and give much homework are Jasper and Rajeev. At that time our feeling is, ‘Out of the frying-pan into the fire’. We feel more afraid than study with Rajeev. I ask Rajeev, ‘Teacher, can us change my mind. We would like to change back to study with you.’ Therefore, Rajeev said it is too late he told us and smile. Kireeda start to use her old plan, She console me. She told me, I have a plan. I ask her, what your plan. She proud to tell me, that plan is ‘change section’. I feel mentally tired with her plan. That day, after we finish with Rajeev’s class. We talk with our mistake.
Kireeda and I start to study In Jasper’s class. After we finish in his class, we are arguing with our problem. She tells me we must write a blog, I never write it before. I told her, I never write a blog like you but Jasper said ‘It is a good thing to try’. I agree with teacher. Kireeda decide to change section with her confident, Kireeda try to induce me again. However, I still confirm I would not change section. I let her go to her own way. That afternoon, she comes to my dormitory like everyday. She told me, she would study with me and she tells ‘It is not difficult if we try’. When I hear the sentence that she says, I proud in her self

After we study with Jasper for two weeks, we start to change our attitude because although, he hardly smiles but Jasper is very kind in our opinion. We respect in our teacher and we proud to study with him.
This is the reason that why Kireeda and I like to study with him and want to study with Jasper again in English II {only English II}.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thai foods

When I stayed at my house, I very like to cook. If my father and my mother do not stay at home, I would like to cook with myself.
Sometime, I help my mother to cook. Mostly, I like to cook typical Thai dish such as a sour-peppery soup, canned fish salad, a bean thread salad, a Thai soup, Tom yam etc.
Thai food was making by delicate and comprise with many spices such as galingale, lemon grass, leaf from a kaffir lime, Thai pepper etc. A kind of spices has many a medical property that useful from our health. Moreover, Thai foods have an identity in itself. It has sour, sweet, salted, and spicy. All of these tastes are mix by concentrated delicious.

Mostly, Thai foods use fish sauce in order to make food has salted taste. A raw material that makes a sweet taste is sugar, make a sour taste are a lime or a non-dried ripe tamarind and make a spicy taste is a chilli. Coconut cream is one part that essential for Thai foods. Thai food is not only has a main dish with meat, but Thai food has many kinds of a dessert.
The famous Thai dessert is a Thai sweet meat made from egg yolk, but I have ever hear about a Thai sweet meat made from egg yolk does not invent by Thai people, but it has an origin from Portuguese that leave from Portugal to stay in Thailand.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The meaning of flower part two

Yesterday is valentine day. Everybody know what valentine day mean, so today I would not write about it. Last week, I wrote about the meaning of flower, but last week I felt sleepy before I finish writing.
Today, I will continue to write the same story, only rose flower.
1. Red roses and white roses are mix in a bouquet of rose is meaning both of us are the one. I think it is a good meaning because it makes me understand the feeling of love that two people between man and woman feel.
2. Yellow roses, are mean bright and cheerful, more over it has a significant is mean adulterer. If you receive, the yellow rose is mean that person wants to ask you to adulterer, but that thing is hiding in his heart. He would not show up that feeling.
3. Dark-Red rose like red wine, If you receive the dark-red rose is mean that person admire you about you are very beautiful.
4. Bud roses that have a leaf and thorn are mean, although I feel anxious, but I know you would not to turndown me.
5. Bud roses that cut all leaf from the stem of a flower that show the giver feel everything are frightening.
6. Bud roses that cut all the thorn that mean the hopeful.
7. Two bud roses and one brighten to widen rose it told us, this is love that I hide it in my heart.
8. Red roses that near fall off are meaning that person want to tell you, our love is finished.
9. White roses that near fall off if you receive it that means your charm is fall away.
10. One rose is mean, although my love is simple, but I am stable with you only.
Next time, I will write each other flower.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The meaning of flower

We used flowers to send for represent our feeling longtime ago. Some people might think, flower use for perform about love only young people. However, the real thing, flower use for perform about love by no form of love and age.
Every body likes to send a flower to your friend or your family but have you know about the meaning of it.? Today I bring information to tell you.

There are many kind of flower that I will give a meaning to you.
1. red rose, If you give red rose to your sweetheart it mean love with deeply- felt, conscientious. The man likes to give red rose to the girl who is that man wants to spend one’s life together.
2. white rose, white is meaning pure or innocent.Therefore, white rose is meaning love by pure, giver doses not want compensate by receiver. Therefore, white rose should to send for represent about love with different age such as daughter gives white rose to her mother.
3. pink rose, pink rose always mean romantic and fascination. If you receive pink rose that mean love will grow well and love can develop from grow well to love with profound.
4. yellow rose, yellow color is meaning bright and cheerful. Yellow rose use for represent between friends. Mostly, yellow rose use for visit a patient in order to make that patient feel cheerful.
5. red tulip, the meaning of tulip is same red rose, that mean announcement of love by discloses.
There were much kind of flowers that have meaning, but I feel sleepy and I want to go to bed right now. Good-bye.

Monday, February 5, 2007

My dream

My dream

I like peaceful and fresh air. I have dream, when I grow up if I have free time I want to go to a floating island. I never have been to floating island because my father never has a time for me. He always works all week and I have to study in Bangkok, sometime I have to stay alone. When I have end classes on summer I often go to live with my father and my mother at Chantaburi province.

My father’s career is police, when we have a holiday, an official holiday or a festival day my father always relax at home. Sometime we go to the sea in the afternoon and come back home in the evening. My father does not like to travel but my mother and I very like to travel with family. However, my mother and I understand in my father’s career because my father has a responsibility to work and if we have to travel on festival day, my father would worry about an emergency. My father told me, polices must has responsibility to work, if all police travel when other people journey or come back to them home who will take care and service those people.

I agree with my father because I used to go to police station that my father has work, on the wall has a slogan of police. I read it but I never pay attention in it, when my father told a reason to me I just under stand. That slogan is “makes a figure of speech, decrease in a conflict, to compete for work and attempt to service people.”

However, I hope my father take a time for family. The place that I want my father carries my mother and me is floating island because it is my dream. I want to lie down on a hammock under the tree and read a tale or Japanese comics. In the evening, my family and I swim and have dinner together. I want to joy any activities with my family. I always expect about that but it vague.