Monday, February 5, 2007

My dream

My dream

I like peaceful and fresh air. I have dream, when I grow up if I have free time I want to go to a floating island. I never have been to floating island because my father never has a time for me. He always works all week and I have to study in Bangkok, sometime I have to stay alone. When I have end classes on summer I often go to live with my father and my mother at Chantaburi province.

My father’s career is police, when we have a holiday, an official holiday or a festival day my father always relax at home. Sometime we go to the sea in the afternoon and come back home in the evening. My father does not like to travel but my mother and I very like to travel with family. However, my mother and I understand in my father’s career because my father has a responsibility to work and if we have to travel on festival day, my father would worry about an emergency. My father told me, polices must has responsibility to work, if all police travel when other people journey or come back to them home who will take care and service those people.

I agree with my father because I used to go to police station that my father has work, on the wall has a slogan of police. I read it but I never pay attention in it, when my father told a reason to me I just under stand. That slogan is “makes a figure of speech, decrease in a conflict, to compete for work and attempt to service people.”

However, I hope my father take a time for family. The place that I want my father carries my mother and me is floating island because it is my dream. I want to lie down on a hammock under the tree and read a tale or Japanese comics. In the evening, my family and I swim and have dinner together. I want to joy any activities with my family. I always expect about that but it vague.

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