Saturday, February 10, 2007

The meaning of flower

We used flowers to send for represent our feeling longtime ago. Some people might think, flower use for perform about love only young people. However, the real thing, flower use for perform about love by no form of love and age.
Every body likes to send a flower to your friend or your family but have you know about the meaning of it.? Today I bring information to tell you.

There are many kind of flower that I will give a meaning to you.
1. red rose, If you give red rose to your sweetheart it mean love with deeply- felt, conscientious. The man likes to give red rose to the girl who is that man wants to spend one’s life together.
2. white rose, white is meaning pure or innocent.Therefore, white rose is meaning love by pure, giver doses not want compensate by receiver. Therefore, white rose should to send for represent about love with different age such as daughter gives white rose to her mother.
3. pink rose, pink rose always mean romantic and fascination. If you receive pink rose that mean love will grow well and love can develop from grow well to love with profound.
4. yellow rose, yellow color is meaning bright and cheerful. Yellow rose use for represent between friends. Mostly, yellow rose use for visit a patient in order to make that patient feel cheerful.
5. red tulip, the meaning of tulip is same red rose, that mean announcement of love by discloses.
There were much kind of flowers that have meaning, but I feel sleepy and I want to go to bed right now. Good-bye.

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