Friday, February 16, 2007

Thai foods

When I stayed at my house, I very like to cook. If my father and my mother do not stay at home, I would like to cook with myself.
Sometime, I help my mother to cook. Mostly, I like to cook typical Thai dish such as a sour-peppery soup, canned fish salad, a bean thread salad, a Thai soup, Tom yam etc.
Thai food was making by delicate and comprise with many spices such as galingale, lemon grass, leaf from a kaffir lime, Thai pepper etc. A kind of spices has many a medical property that useful from our health. Moreover, Thai foods have an identity in itself. It has sour, sweet, salted, and spicy. All of these tastes are mix by concentrated delicious.

Mostly, Thai foods use fish sauce in order to make food has salted taste. A raw material that makes a sweet taste is sugar, make a sour taste are a lime or a non-dried ripe tamarind and make a spicy taste is a chilli. Coconut cream is one part that essential for Thai foods. Thai food is not only has a main dish with meat, but Thai food has many kinds of a dessert.
The famous Thai dessert is a Thai sweet meat made from egg yolk, but I have ever hear about a Thai sweet meat made from egg yolk does not invent by Thai people, but it has an origin from Portuguese that leave from Portugal to stay in Thailand.

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