Monday, August 27, 2007

My new room

On Monday, in the morning when Poon came to my dormitory I didn’t get up yet. My mother went to down stair for open the door then, Poon came to my room. My mother went to talk with the owner of my dormitory about a new room. She ever asks the owner about a rental fee. The owner of my dormitory told my mother about the rental fee is 5000 Bath per month. My mother said she would rent a new room. I ask Poon about where is my mother, your mother talk with the owner of dormitory Poon said.
When my mother backed to my room, she told me “I decided to rent the room on upstairs” I asked my mother why you decided to rent a new room. I want a room that bigger than this room my mother replies. I feel great. Poon helped us to change a new room. Before I helped Poon and my mother I took a shower and to dressed. After that, I moved my clothes in my cupboard to a new room. My mother swept a floor and Poon rubbed it. At 10:45 Poon and I prepared to go to study English class.
When we arrived to classroom, our teacher gave us a newspaper to the student and commanded us to summarize news in the newspaper. Next, we presented news that we read. I got A. I’m very glad because I never got A while I study in this class. I feel Monday is my lucky day because I had new room and got A in English class.

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