Thursday, August 23, 2007

Volleyball tourment at ABAC

Last week, my group went to Bangna campus for saw a volleyball match. We went to Bangna campus by a coach with faculty of engineering because a coach for faculty of law was full. At Bangna campus was very hot and the sunbeam was bright. We seldom went to Bangna campus because our faculty located at Hua mark campus except we must go to study ethic subject for twice a semester.
The first was a match between Mexico’s team and Egypt’s team. Sportsmen of Mexico and Egypt were very tall and their characteristics were handsome. My friends liked a man who wears a shirt’s number 10 of Egypt team. Many students at elementary school, secondary school and a student in the university went to cheer them. The match between Mexico’ team and Egypt’s team was very fun. Their ability of them in the match was close.
Faculty of law cheered Mexico’s team, we feel great. Faculty of engineering cheered Egypt’s team. Our group sits at the seat between faculties of law and engineering so, we cheered both of Mexico and Egypt. The men who were older than us were not good; they study in faculty of engineering. They said faculty of law was defeated because two of volleyball teams that we cheer were defeated. When Mexico’s team gets a score, we were screaming. So, one of our enemy was not satisfied. He holds some water in his mouth and prepares to spray water to our face. We felt disgusted a little bit, but we were laugh. We did not angry our enemy because we were not a real enemy. It was a game after the game finish, we were friend. At that time, we felt enjoyed with the game and with our new friends.
The second match was a math between South Africa and France. Faculty of law cheered South Africa’s team. This match was fun either. France’s team won in the game. Poon and I took a lot of picture while the sportsmen were competed in the game. After the game many student went to take a photo with them. So, Poon and I went to take a photo with them too. They are very tall, but Poon and I are very short and small. In the picture you will see the difference thing between us.

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