Tuesday, August 14, 2007

FEOT tast.

My feeling about FEOT test.

Today, I have FEOT test in English class. My teacher asks me about last time that I’m disappointed.
I ever talk with my friends about FEOT test. I don’t like the question that asks me about my feeling, I said. Pang agrees with me. The reason that Pang and I don’t like that question because we think it’s a difficult question. I don’t mean, we can’t answer teacher’s question but I mean that question make us feel agitated for answer.
Some people might think I am numb from cold but my friends think I’m full of humor when we do an activity in our group. I don’t like to expect about people around me because I don’t want to disappoint. So I never disappoint about them. When I have problem I always admit it. I don’t care it bad or not, I try to solve my problem by my self. I don’t like to keep a bad thing in my mind and I never pay attention to absurd.
Pang and I have same character. We always have conversation about our life. We often have dinner together because both of us stay at dormitory. My group has many friends. When we have lunch together we always talk about tourism, actor, actress, foreigner friends that we ever chat with them and etc.
My group is full of humor. When we sad we always share our anxious or depressed to our friends, we don’t share only bad thing but we share a good thing too. We seldom to pay attention about bad thing after we share bad thing we always forget it. We don’t want to keep everything that makes us feel sad to our mind. I have good friends, they make me happy and make me forget bad thing. We support each other. I seldom memorize bad thing, so when my teacher asks me about my disappointed I think its difficult question for answer.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Don't worry too much about the FEOT. Just do your best and relax as much as possible.